Saturday, February 11, 2017

Some ideas for Dream Travel Box from Iceland

While team Dream Travel Box was exploring the possibilities of content from Iceland, we came across some pretty cool box content possibilities and ideas. Here we are posting some of the photos, to show, that the content of Dream Travel Box might be useful, but it can be funny as well. The second photo is quite wanna have, as it enables you, to see the Northern lights, when you open the content. Check out some other cool stuff as well. 
There is also a new listing on the marketplace, so do check it out. We have water from The Blue Lagoon, which is one of the 25 modern wondres of the world. It comes from deep within the earth's core, it is salty (but is not normal sea water), and has a high content of silicium, which makes it perfect for skin treatments, to rejuvenate your skin.