Saturday, October 17, 2015

What does Dream Travel Box smell like?

When we want to keep a memory forever, we usually take a picture. But a picture is just a static form, that we can take in hand and think back of how it was, or if it is someone else's picture, it is a thing that makes us want to be there.

This is the concept that we are changing now with Dream Travel Box. We are giving you a chance, to get physical feel of a destination. Something that you can actually touch, and feel part of it.

So starting on this journey of making peoples dream a physical reality made us wonder. How come, that we are always focusing just on one aspect of our senses. We should try and cover as many of them as possible.

This is why we decided to go to Grasse, the perfume capital of the world. There we talked to some experts and tried to create a smell, that would take you to that other place in the world, where you want to go to. After quite a few different attempts, we finally came up with one, that we thought was the one. So there you have it. Dream Travel Box has its one perfume. One you can order through our website.

We feel that we have discovered the right one. But it is up to you to decide. And if for you there is something else that works, let us know, and we will help you discover the one that works for you.